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BBRMG Promotes Three In Marketing

Department Score: BBRMG/BMG Nashville Sr. Mgr./Marketing Lauren Crawford has been promoted to Dir./Marketing; Mgr./Marketing Hillary Borden to Sr. Mgr.; and Mgr./Recorded Finance Hayley Irvine to Mgr./Marketing. "Each of these women are a force,” says EVP JoJamie Hahr, who previously ran the department. "They seamlessly lead artist projects with passion, intensity, organization and creativity."

Crawford, who now heads the label's marketing team, rose to her most recent position in March (CAT 3/6); reach her here. Borden officially joined the company last year from The Bobby Bones Show (CAT 3/16/22); reach her here. Irvine transitioned to the label after a short stint working in finance at Vaco; reach her here.


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