Job Listings
Air Personality
MacDonald WKCQ/Saginaw, MI is looking for a live and local host for an unspecified daypart. Email a résumé and short aircheck to OM Jason Addams here.
Part-Time Air Talent
Hubbard WIL/St. Louis is looking for locally-based, part-time air talent. See post here.
Morning Co-Host
Mountain Dog Media WFON/Fond du Lac, WI Brand Mgr. Chanda Lynn is seeking a co-host to join her in mornings. Email audio and résumé to Lynn here. The job offers unlimited vacation time, and a base starting salary of $50,000-$60,000 plus endorsement opportunities.
Morning Show Producer
Hubbard WUBE/Cincinnati has a full-time opening for a morning show producer; full listing here.
Operations Manager
Keystone KICM/Ardmore, OK is seeking an OM who will work directly with the owners and the sales team, and oversee all aspects of the station's programming. Send résumés here.
Morning Co-Host
Federated WBYT/South Bend, IN PD Jesse Garcia is seeking a morning co-host with a minimum of three years on-air experience who "can create engaging content on multi-platforms." Send résumé, aircheck and production samples to Garcia here.