Job Listings
Air Personality
Cumulus KRST/Albuquerque PD Bev Rainey is seeking a full-time air personality for a daypart to be determined; apply here.
Air Personality
LKCM Texas Country/Red Dirt KFWR/Fort Worth is looking for a locally based on-air personality for various dayparts, potentially on multiple stations. Cover letter, résumé, aircheck and digital content samples here.
Morning Host
Stephens Media Group KKAJ/Ardmore, OK is seeking a morning host. The company says, "This is a tremendous opportunity with a strong cluster that dominates the market in sales, promotions and on-air. KKAJ is a heritage country station with a little red-dirt heritage for flavor." Send resume, aircheck and references to SVP/Programming Bob Thornton here.
On-Air Host
LKCM KFWR/Fort Worth is recruiting for a future opening for a full-time on-air host. Candidates must have a desire to be involved in the local community, understand Texas country, Red Dirt and Americana, and have the ability to connect with fans on-air and in person. Email cover letter, résumé and aircheck to PD Shayne Hollinger here.